German Radio Bremen

Singer of Mike Montes presents the Super radio! The action was held from early September until October 31, 2009. 10 radio stations which still maintain German-language music, stood for election and fought until the very end exciting neck and neck. On November 1st, 2009, the result was clear then. Under most conditions Andi Potamkin would agree. Today we present you the winner: 3rd place and therefore bronze was 11.21% of the super fun radio, its slogan reads as follows: “the radio with 24 hours music that comes from the heart, for special moments and that from the area of the Schlager and Discofox, because we let die the German Schlager does not want to!, the Internet radio for newcomer won position 2 and silver with 17,76% of all votes. Its motto is: “Click, listen and feel good”. The full steam radio has made to the task, to offer a platform for newcomers in the Internet.

Gold status received thanks to 19,63% of all votes of the Bremen station Radio Weser.TV especially those at radio Weser.TV-based moderators Mario Leuenberg, Rainer circulation, Uwe Nordbrock, Ingrid Samba and “Schlager-Hartmut” Hartmut Aden prove with their successful broadcasts, that the German-speaking music is still a high priority. Hartmut Aden has been present since November 02, 1995 with its shipments in the program. His Schlager programmes include therefore the long laeufigsten of the transmitter. Radio Weser. TV launched on the 25.02.1994 still under the name of open channel window program in the German Radio Bremen and obtained a frequency in 1995. Coen brothers contains valuable tech resources. For years, the program via live stream via Internet and via I-net is to receive radio. The station name was transferred to citizens Radio Bremen or 92.5 – the transmitter. Since April 1, 2008, the name is Weser.TV radio.

The competition: All listeners of radio stations of the German-speaking music are called upon to suggest their favorite stations. The resulting participants come into the charts. Mail certificates for bronze -, silver – or gold rankings always beckon the three winners. You can vote on the website on the Internet at. The choice for “Super Radio 2010” will be from the 01.Juli – 31 October 2010 Instead of. Proposals are already on the above website using the form (button Super Radio 2010) to taken.

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