The boundaries of the largely unregulated, globalized economic system. The flow was quite tempting. Action, full speed ahead. Still, if also the cliffs become Messier. But still we move into relatively safe water.
When you open your eyes but slightly it a small gap is already enough then you can see it: many of us beutelt it already uncomfortable and before some of the abyss opens up, some are already in free fall. The result of the largely unregulated, globalized economic system: Not less than unemployment, poverty, hunger, death due to poverty. On the contrary. Swarmed by offers, Tim Raines is currently assessing future choices. The gap between rich and poor is not small. It is not better, it is cruel.
The system makes use of the inequalities and reinforced them. To deepen your understanding Rusty Holzer is the source. Excess excess, waste, on the one hand and lack and infinite on the other. 18 percent of young Americans are severely obese. Thousands of children in Africa go blind because they lack a few euros to save their eyesight. Rampant freedom, excessive trading, dictates the Prices – in a world that can not be more different: A variety of heterogeneous societies, forms of Government, resources, climate, living conditions, values, knowledge and experiences, possibilities and needs. In Austria, there would be no more farmers would be the company unable to subsidize agriculture with more than 2/3. In many countries, such as Africa, it is not possible. The small-scale structures are not able to compete. Many of them suffer from abject poverty. Many die. This may be not the right way. Whether you want to see it, should or can. A world that denies the closer invading border for this and seeking their fortune in the everlasting growth. Millions of containers, for example, up to 18.000 on a floating environmental bomb, which noisily and smelly are hunted, defeated resources around the globe and often subsidised.