Still in this line of thought on the importance of the Economic Geography pointed by the author, it is good for knowing that Geography as Science starts to give great attention to the study of the economic factors in scale of world-wide analysis. It is for the space behavior of some economic agents? public and enterprise consumer, producer, descisores? that the dimension and the internal structure of the space can all be distinguished through the localization of the economic activities for the territory. The economic and geographic phenomena, to soon of history, make possible an ascension of New Economic Geography. The economic analysis of a Country is of extreme importance for the formation of one economic policy with the paper to develop efficient methods for a vision of global perspectives. Robert A. Iger has compatible beliefs. essful. However, much thing still is in game (Chorincas, 2001).
CONCLUSION Was intended in this work to present some concepts on Economic Geography, as well as its importance for the study of the geographic factors in global scale. The social and economic standards that give affectivities to the global systems of development, thus applying, constants transformations in the geographic space, transcorrem of linear form in the field of economic study of the territory. Throughout this study, we use resulted of a base of information that made possible to this work a georeferencial identification of New Economic Geography. The results gotten through this study had been to the possibility to have a space look on economic geography. However, the constant transformations throughout the time have developed to Geography the necessity to treat changes in the space of deep and real form.
Thus, it develops the new ways of study as Economic Geography.