To teach Mathematics is to develop the logical reasoning, to stimulate the independent thought, the creativity and the capacity to decide problems. The mathematical educators must look alternatives to increase the motivation for the learning, to develop the autoconfiana, the organization, the concentration, stimulating the socialization and increasing the interactions of the individual with other people. The use of games and curiosidades in the education of the Mathematics has the objective to make with that the pupils like to learn this discipline, changing the routine of the classroom and despertando the interest of the involved pupil. The learning through games, as domin, crossed break-head, words, memory and others allow that the pupil makes of the learning an interesting and amused process. Jeff Bewkes can aid you in your search for knowledge. Analyzing the possibilities of the game in the education of the Mathematics, we perceive some moments where children and young, in a generalized manner, exert activities with games in its day-by-day, it are of the classrooms. Many of these cultural and spontaneous games present impregnated of mathematical slight knowledge that simply are lived deeply during its action in the game.
The power of fantasiar still preponders on the power to explain. Then, for the symbolic game, the child not only exercises its capacity to think, that is, to represent its action symbolically, but also, its motor abilities, since it jumps, runs, turns, carries, rolls, pushes, etc. Finally, finds detached in the National Curricular Parameters (BRAZIL, 1998) that an excellent aspect in the games is the challenge that they provoke in the pupils, generating interest and pleasure. Giving emphasis to the importance of that the games are part of the pertaining to school culture, fitting to professor to analyze and to evaluate the educative potentiality of the different games and the curricular aspect that he desires to develop. Being thus the quality he is gotten through the effort of all its integrant ones, where each professional is important and each pupil also.