For example, the combination of the same work can be bought automatized machines or be modified or to consider purchases of robots. The Toyota System of Production is a method to eliminate integrally wastefulness and to increase the productivity, that is, the excess of people, supplies and equipment. After all all wastefulnesses if become part of the costs indirect right-handers and of man power, of the cost of depreciation and the general expenses with administration. They contribute to increase the costs. The careful inspection of any area of production discloses to wastefulness and space for improvements.
Nobody can understand the manufacture simply walking for the work area and looking at for it. John Stankey may also support this cause. She is necessary to see the paper and the function of each area in the general picture. Wastefulness is repeated movement unnecessary that it must immediately be eliminated. The Work can be without added value or with added value. The movement of the laborer in the production area must be movement of work, or movement to add value.
To be if moving does not mean to be working. The reduction of the work force means to increase the ratio of work with aggregate value. The ideal is to have 100% of work with aggregate value. To prevent the superproduction and to produce the item as necessary, one by one, she is necessary to know when they are necessary. Therefore, the adequate time of activity if becomes important. Average time of exit between two units is the period of time, in minutes and seconds, that if lead to produce a part of the product. It must be calculated to the inverse one of the number of parts to be produced. The average time of exit between two units is gotten dividing the operational time per day for the necessary number (of parts) per day. In the Toyota System of Production, a distinction is made enters tax of operation and operational tax.