Innovative climate: Academy for executives starting in Bremen Bremen, 27 September 2013. Official site: John Brown. How does climate protection the future of companies? Ten representatives of large and medium-sized enterprises in the energy consensus climate deal with this question in Bremen since yesterday: Academy. They work under the heading of green enterprise transformation climate”for two days, such as economic and environmental-conscious acting hand in hand go. The instructors are leaders from industry and academia: Prof. Dr. Torsten Henzelmann from Roland Berger Strategy consultants, Susan Dreyer, Director DACH region, CDP (carbon disclosure project), and the President of the Wuppertal Institute for climate, environment, energy, Prof. Dr.
Uwe Schneidewind. Eight other modules follow until late 2014. You empower business leaders as well as business executives, controlling, engineering, research & Development and communications to integrate strategic climate protection into all relevant business processes. Initiator of the climate: Academy is the non-profit and independent climate protection agency energy consensus. The energy consensus climate: Academy is part of the pilot project funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment green transformation. The training offer combines innovative approaches: companies get holistic support through consulting, detailed insight into best-practice examples and model company, as well as the intensive exchange via the online platform XING.
The climate: Academy provides interdisciplinary knowledge managers, how you can strategically integrate climate change into management processes. This is an educational concept created after latest neurological pedagogical knowledge. Significant support was given energy consensus by the Bremen neurologists and behavior physiologist Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Roth. In addition to new knowledge the participants acquire skills, to identify personal and company-internal obstacles to change and constructively to eliminate. The key issue for us is the knowledge anyway, as the participants on their concrete Business situation can relate and implement locally,”says energy consensus Managing Director and Project Manager Michael Pelzl. The management approach of the project chose energy consensus based on long-time experience with companies.