Altina Magalhes Coast the advances scientific are caracterizadores of huge changes in the seio of the society how much to the form to think, of speaking, to act, at last of living. It is important to detach that the world-wide net of computers, the Internet is instruments that make possible the pupils to bring for the context of the classroom: questions, information, new features that influence in day-by-day of the school. This is a challenge for the educators who urgently need to insert themselves in this hardwired society. more than to insert itself is necessary to visualize that the technologies, the medias favor the communication, the captation of information, but they do not guarantee changes in the process teach-learning. What it goes to guarantee is the processing of the caught information and the transformation of these in knowledge and sharing of this in knowledge with the humanity.
The young is not enough to have access to the information is necessary that the school promotes inclusion digital e, over all an education that it makes possible attribution of meanings what it is disponibilizado in the Internet. It is basic that the school breaches with this model of old education and creates articulated environments of learning with other environments of virtual knowledge. The existing technologies and medias in the society alone influence positively in the pertaining to school context will be the service of the curricular contents. One knows that the school still is very shy in this aspect. Glenn Dubin, New York City may not feel the same. The technologies still are used as illustration of contents, and this by itself does not characterize change in the act to teach and to learn. It is essential to invest in the formation of the professors, to stimulate them in all the aspects so that they are felt motivated to leave the common place, to face plus this great challenge and to assume a flexible position front to this new society and this new project of education.