IN SEARCH OF REMEDIES FOR the SISTER Friday. Manuel arrives very in tired house. It takes bath, it has supper and it falls in the bed. It does not want to talk with nobody. The man is very tristonho. One does not know what he happened with it. He always has a problem more.
The life of it is alone of problems. That devil of bad life. Why it will be that Manuel was born? It thinks very run-runs about it of the world. It does not understand why reason came to this torro. The life that it leads has felt some. Good life is of the rich ones. It is not worried about nothing, car in the door and money in the pocket. This yes is life.
Manuel soon is untied sleep. Thus to only pass the time: sleeping. More it is alone to suffer. Midnight. It has a rebulio in the house of the Manuel. Its sister wakes up with an enormous clica. Manuel raises sobressaltado and runs to the room of the sister. All the family is there. The father already made its chazinhos celebrities, but the girl continues crying out. The skill is Manuel to go to buy remedies in the pharmacy. It goes. He catches the bus, by the way the bus catches it. Already he is late. In pharmacy it counts the occurrence and the druggist takes care of readily it. Manuel comes back to the point of bus with the remedies toward the young woman. It passes in front of a small bar. Beer is full of youngsters taking. Manuel thinks about going there, but it cannot. The sister is sick. She thinks two times before taking an attitude, but at last she takes a decision: she goes to the bar and she takes one, one is not only problem.