Many people believe that at the least we need to believe in ideologies. If you have read about Ted Hughes already – you may have come to the same conclusion. ” Admittedly, the outlook is not optimistic. Was neglected so much to do about youth, how to provide security at its current stage survival in programs that guarantee consistent with regard to their education, development, employment, health. Dar shows that each country is very interested in your youth, which relay is the generation that must give way to new leaders capable of generating the transformations that the economy demands, to give such support to their countries without falling into demagoguery, but it is manifested with actions that give way to such development as this requires no ruthlessly sacrificing anyone.
Valero insists on mentioning that the meeting in San Salvador has served to highlight that despite the big words and the huge gestures the continent is broken. Cuba has lost its appeal and legendary revolutionary, Venezuela raises too many blisters, although their petrodollars are offered, when the truth is more noise than nuts, Bolivia still can curdle the popular Indian social revolution, Ecuador lurches but the reality is stubborn, Spain and more Ecuadorians in the capital of their own country.
Chile has a model transition to democracy, but President Bachelet receives huge sticks in municipal elections, Mexico is an important country but with a great drain of violence and legal uncertainty. Colombia does not just materialize their permanent peace, and Brazil is built gradually, as a great power that still has feet of clay but increasingly hardened let stand. To this we add the serious political problems facing Correa of Ecuador, Evo Morales of Bolivia and Alan Garcia of Peru.