Many companies who are adopting politics in this direction come getting a significant increase of productivity. One remembers that the socialization process is very important for the psychic health of who will go to work in it. Chiavenato also describes suggestions to become the work environment more healthful: She assures that the people breathe cool air; She prevents materials suspicious that emit odors or toxins; She provides a free smoke environment; She adopts clean and dry ducts; She gives attention to the complaints of the people. It is necessary to register the claims and to take steps how much to the hygiene of the work. Learn more on the subject from Robert Iger . She provides adjusted equipment, therefore each person is different and requires the equipment use that if adjusts to individual characteristics 6. ABUSE OF BEING ABLE IN the RELATIONS OF WORK In Brazil is not difficult to find somebody that already suffered some humilhao, or offence to the honor and the dignity in its workstation. As well as it is not uncommon stories of women who already had been victims of blackmails of sexual matrix, in the labor environment. 6,1 Moral siege Initially valley to detach that an only definition does not exist in the theoretical plan of what comes to be the moral siege.
One is about a concept that assumes different forms and dimensions, in accordance with the case concrete. moral siege can be defined as: All and any abusive behavior (gesture, word, behavior, attitude) that it attempts against, for its representation or systematization, against the dignity or the psychic or physical integrity of a person, threatening its job or degrading the climate of the work. Assediar has the direction to surround, to importunar, to involve, to pursue with inadequate insistence, attitudes. The siege cause humilhao, constaint, emotional discomfort and the victim if feels shaken emotionally. The moral siege can be divided in: simple moral siege and collective moral siege (therefore it can reach only one worker or a group of workers); moral siege practised by the third (when the agent is exterior to the workstation, example of a customer that humiliates an employee of a store, however this modality of siege nor always is recognized); horizontal or transversal moral siege (where the agent occupies the same hierarchy of the victim, that is, is colleagues); vertical moral siege (when the besieger happens of a different hierarchic level to the one of the victim) and mixing moral siege (when the siege elapses, simultaneously, of horizontal and vertical hierarchic relations).