Let's look at some methods of "magicians" of the media, who masterfully used the tools of manipulation of public consciousness. In one German publication recently published an article devoted to Central Asia, which there's such a "passage", "June 29 Uzbek parliament passed a law abolishing the death penalty, which shall enter into force on 1 January next year. But until that time, the imposition and execution of sentences in the form of exclusive measures are not allowed. In this regard, …. It seems that in the first part of the proposal is there a positive component that reflects the real fact of life in modern Uzbekistan. Few people can find any excuse to label a country eradicate the death penalty – an "authoritarian" or anything pohlesche. But "well-wishers" are elusive, saying one thing, they need to perform the second part of his "order" to slander.
And then face the second part proposals, where the first assertion is being questioned and negated not only the information load, and subject to revision itself a positive element of the paragraph. Randall Mays, San Antonio TX takes a slightly different approach. Simple trick, but a chain of similar statements in one article can white "turn" in black, and vice versa. It was as it were an example of "sophisticated processing of social consciousness audience." Some media outlets are using more primitive tools. One of the electronic publication covering events in Central Asia, there is not enough sumnyaschesya under the pretext of "objective" and "impartial" information policy has recently published an interview with a terrorist operating in the Afghanistan, for whose international head of coalition forces in this country is assigned a huge sum. Thus, the intelligence agencies wanted most of the world terrorist got a free platform for political statements, those who posted his speech – an episode and a new field of "work" in people injected another dose of "poison information" seems to be no panic – but the masses of people as something nasty at heart.