
Feng Shui and the development of your child's best that a loving parent can do for your child – is to listen to him and try to understand it. This article is just to help you understand what energies are useful to your child. It tells you how you can support its development, using feng shui. The child and his ability to understand energy. In our center, we conducted a study whose results were very interesting. We have built personal energy maps of children and tried to find out to what energy is most needed one or the other child. And then the children themselves, answering our questions very precisely chosen precisely the energy that they need. This is because children are still not absorbed these social stereotypes as the prestige of the profession, the fashion for a particular color, a favorite hobby.

Therefore, they said, listening only to their personal feelings. It turns out that almost all children, even the most small, have a clear understanding of what energy they are useful! Child and parental authority. It follows immediately make a small reservation. To broaden your perception, visit Henry Jones. Yes, the child can actually own, at the level of sensation determine which energy use to him. But the easiest way to do that child, that parents provide an opportunity to express themselves freely, to believe that they listen, no matter how small it is. For example, let child to choose his clothes. And it will give preference to those colors, which are useful to him in power. Allow him to choose a section in which he wants to do, do not put pressure on him.

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