By strengthening the Muslim community and the formation of an Arab state, there was a spoken language such as koine, which is a pan-Arab to the fact time. However, there are in everyday life and language characteristic of tribal dialects. As a result of the gradual resettlement of Arabs in the Iberian Peninsula, Iran, Egypt, North Africa. Central Asia, Syria, Palestine and Mesopotamia, new territorial dialects of Arabic. The emergence of new local Arabic dialects leads the imposition of regional dialects of Arabic language in the ancient tribal dialects. On Today, to classify Arabic dialects on the principle of territoriality and social principles.
On social principles, they are divided into sedentary and nomadic, and those – the rural and urban dialects. By territorial principle Arabic dialects are divided into two groups. First, the eastern (mashrikskaya) group consists of four sub-groups – the Arabian, Egyptian and Sudanese, Central Arabian and Mesopotamian, and also to this group include Arabic dialects and Central Asia. Second, the Western (North African or Maghreb) group. As early as the tenth century AD becomes apparent sharp distinction between the literary Arabic, and fragmented dialects colloquial Arabic. Gradually, the hallmark of an educated Arab society is the literary form of the language. If you take a modern literary form of Arabic, it is common in religion the entire Muslim world, administrative and scientific literature, media, etc. The next important period of development of the Arabic language, it becomes the XVIII – XIX century.
During this period, commonly develop economic relations between the West and Arab East, Hardcover expanding industry, there is a press, a brand new drama, and poetry. Thanks to all this, the Arabic language adapts to the requirements of the European cultural, scientific and social life. A Twentieth Century continues the process of modernization of the Arabic language, this greatly helps the development of the media. It is also important to note that Arabic is greatly influenced by cultural and historical language development in Africa and Asia. This is mainly due to the propagation of Islam, but we can not underestimate the value of cultural and literary Arabic. The state language of the modern Arab approved literary form of the Arabic language, it also is a working and official language of the UN. The only Arabic dialect, recognized as a separate language, with a status of "state" in Malta, a Maltese dialect of Arabic. In today's world, native to itself, the Arabic language is considered more than 200 million people. In Russian, also found a considerable number of words that has Arab roots, for example, the name of some constellations, stars, scientific terms, etc. In today's world is considered to be the Arabic language is very difficult to study. However, despite the strong contrast to European languages, Arabic language can boast a clear grammar. Correct pronunciation comes with time, as a result of constant practice. In universities and institutes around the world, decided to study Arabic literary language. It is believed that regardless of the Arabic dialects, a man possession of literary Arabic, understood in any Arabic-speaking environment. However, this is misleading. Dialectal Arabic is so varied that it is not enough to possess only literary Arabic. But there is, aspires to be!