
And I’m praying God, that there is something better for me, that something better happen me, than the jar of honey blue bienvenidito. But something better has me out of sentences. But that honey is not finished even though it is not. There is no good one in the world all disturbs the peace, everything is falling into land that can not walk on. There is no good one, there. There are no feelings pure to achieve love, there is no love in living beings, only interest and evil.

There is no good in the world, in the earthly face. If they ICWA my destiny and don’t let me breathe, there is nothing good, there. The world is rotten, much Vice, little stamina, little harvested goodness, little pink mouth which says nothing more than Hello, and I don’t know if I am a pink or yellow or capricious. And I don’t know if I am a goddess or Eugenia or else. I consider that I am nobody, I think’m worth nothing. I consider the distance and there is no light or fragrance. Not another thing there is nothing valuable.

And I still here see the wind and the distance separating me from the Sun and the stars in the sky of ice that know how to sing, smoking, talking, fool me, that has been carried away by those who know and death not be sadden, pride feel their status and who has never kissed me, won’t it now. They are warned I can’t disappear, die, I can not be ignored in the midst of victory, the misfortune of being, those who have known how to give death, I will not forgive the life are warned, one by one, each other immensely warned.

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