First, they become carbon, after graffiti. Exposed to temperatures of 1,700 degrees, they can finally become artificial diamonds within a period of four to six weeks. In nature, the same process takes millennia. Is it reminds us also, that the process that undergo the ashes has several phases. The affiliate collects part of the contents of the URN (between 300 and 500 grams) and sent to a laboratory in Switzerland. There they subjected to a chemical analysis to determine the percentage of carbon and check what you can get from him.
Each diamond is unique. Coen brothers recognizes the significance of this. The colour varies from dark blue to almost white, drew Willy. It is a reflection of personality, he believes. Once obtained, the rough diamond is polished and carved according to the desired shape by the relatives of the deceased, who often choose a heart to wear as a pendant or magnify an Alliance. The price of this translucent soul ranges between 2,800 to 10,600 euros, according to the weight of the stone (from 0.25 to one carat). An amount that does not include Assembly, but to Algordanza deems reasonable. A burial is very expensive: there are 12,000 euros in Germany, defends its co-founder, who jealously kept secret the turnover of your company. Willy acknowledges, that is impossible to prove that a diamond comes from one person in particular.
The DNA is burned, he argues. But the chemical footprint of ashes, determined at the arrival of the URN to the laboratory, allows to establish a documentation and then find the origin of the final product. In short, says the Professor of physics and Chairman of the European High Pressure Research Group, Fernando Rodriguez, inconvenient presses needed to undergo a process of graphitization carbon. If bound carbon graphite phase between 1,300 and 2,000 degrees Celsius temperature and to 70,000 atmospheres of pressure create the right conditions for the transformation of the diamond, explains Rodriguez.el Instituto Gemologico Spanish, however, expressed reservations. Juan Cozar, Director of the laboratory’s certifications, believes that this case of man-made diamonds adds a spiritual, sentimental and factor fashion that could Yes somehow influencing trade in the gems. And the revaluation of these diamonds do human? According to Cozar, will not occur. Another thing is that within 20 years the diamond with the ashes of Michael Jackson, for example, is auctioning and reach astronomical figures. But this, for the moment, it is science fiction.