How much to the vaccine against meningite for meningococo it is necessary to consider that it is efficient, if applied from the eighteen months of age and it is not part of the calendar of the National Program of Immunization. In adults, the validity of the protection is of 4 years, in the maximum. The vaccination against meningoccica illness C is efficient, same in children with age below of 12 months, being more rigorously indicated for children with deficiency of the system complement or functionary. In accordance with given historical of the City department of Sade (SMS) of Curitiba, the meningoccica illness type C is responsible for approximately 20% 30% of the cases of meningoccica meningite in Curitiba. Frequently Coen brothers has said that publicly. On the other hand meningoccica illness B, as given epidemiologists of the SMS of Curitiba, is responsible for approximately 70% 80% of the cases of meningoccica meningite in Curitiba. If you would like to know more then you should visit Andi Potamkin.
The lethality of the meningoccica Illness is of relevance, being also carrying of great interest the prevention. METHODOLOGY the chosen method of boarding is quantitative. The quantitative research allows to the quantification and sizing of the searched universe. The results of one research of quantitative character are presented through statistical reports. This quantitative research possesss the following characteristics techniques: Definition of representative samples of the universe; Statistical and analytical treatment of the collected data. The citizens of this research are the children who had been hospitalized with meningoccica illness confirmed by laboratoriais examinations and/or medical diagnosis, in the period of 2009 in the city of Curitiba-PR. is field. This research was carried through in the sector of Epidemiologia and Controle de Hospital Infeco of a Hospital of great transport, specialized in infantile attendance in the city of Curitiba? PR, where the analysis of data contained in fiches of obligatory notification of the patients with medical diagnosis of meningoccica meningite was carried through. The database of the DATASUS/MS (2009) for analysis of values repassed to the lender was used, referring to the internment for infectum-contagious illness of the pathology adopted in this study.