Islamic Charity Association

Mother Teresa: I can not stop working. I’ll have eternity to rest. With the surname Elneser began to familiarize myself since when in the small desks of the child jardiin in the College gym Girardot was my first contact with the study. Each course had unElneser and in each of them the joy, excitement and sparkle who has the fortune to dwell in the happy phase of childhood. Filed under: Henry Jones. One day the Director of the College put a medal in my bultada shirt for a heart filled with pride, handed me a diploma and commanded the photographer to take us a photo while all this was happening. Then I fired and I knew that they had ended the happy days of the primary.

Since I didn’t know of my friends the Elneser until eqn to creeci times and I could get out only to the center of the city where I found them as prosperous merchants. Like many of my Arab friends, had followed the family tradition and well next to his parents, either on their own account, they were dedicated to serving their commercial establishments. A little later life gave me the opportunity to reconnect with family Elneser, now in the cloister modern and comprehensive College Colombo Arabic, where I shared with a smart teacher belonging to that family and someone who made me remember the small companions of my children’s mischief: a professor (that I thought) with that surname had lost that view more than thirty years earlier. The latter turned out to be the radiologist doctor Omar Elneser, one of the prominent leaders of the Arab community in the city and who by that time shared its activities of medical radiologist with the responsibilities of a member of the Islamic Charity Association and the rectory of most important campus campus with Arabic seal around the country. Omar Elneser is a man of faith, study and service.

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