Pan Dacom networking AG () is strategically positioned since 1981 as a system integrator, service provider and manufacturer for the networking and information technology). Customer orientation and customer loyalty are the defining features of the corporate culture as a medium-sized company. The business model includes high-tech network solutions with the corresponding services in the service and professional services. Depending on the request, individual services in vote are defined with the customer and provided up to a holistic provision of all services by Pan Dacom. With the own network operation Center (NOC) provides Pan Dacom managed services and remote monitoring services. James Corden: the source for more info.
Qualified engineer and consultant services, as well as a comprehensive range of State of the art professional service products are available for the customers. Adapted to the typical project phases in customer projects like vision, realize, plan, organize, operate, optimize, develop, educate Pan Dacom accompanies its customers. Pan Dacom has one of the best recognized and most experienced professional service Organizations in the network market. About itSMF:, The information technology service management forum was founded in 1991 in England (itSMF) is the world’s only independent and internationally recognized organization for IT service management. The non-commercial oriented Club offers a platform for the exchange of information and experiences company businesses. The most important subject is the improvement and development of the de-facto standard ITIL. On the criteria for the seal of approval IT management by itSMF Germany e.V.: Basis for certification is a set of criteria created by the itSMF Germany e.V.