
And if they offer it for free, means something to them, it is elementary, but here people understand it does not want. There are many options for how they will try to get your money. They may try to buy Rights that promises something for free. Perhaps check out Jeffrey L. Bewkes for more information. Man walks down the street, and now a message on behalf of the operator – please send SMS to a certain number and get five dollars for free! Man sends, and lo and behold, he comes to five dollars. Particularly zealous can send sms to a few more times – for five dollars is easy. Another thing that the message itself is worth twenty dollars, but five come. And the police say you can not – you are not fooled, the money is actually come, and what you have paid several times more a consequence of negligence, and only yours and no one to blame for this is impossible. Can call the operator of some support services over the fact that there was a malfunction of equipment and Your number missing from the database and message on a number of leads everything in order (as a variant of the operating company for you design an exclusive rate plan and you have to go to it by sending a message). Unfortunately, there is always someone who would believe, even heard about it once – and in fact have the most to try. Just like scam people head sublevels so that a person is something someone has won.

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