Mass production increasingly takes place abroad. That will no longer change. We need to focus on research and development, on the close interaction between science and industry, on the processing of products, improving the marketing of products and smart service concepts. We must press ahead with massive economic change from classic industrial production to services and knowledge, as well as to the information and communication technology. We can survive only as a knowledge and service economy”, so the advice of Harvey Nash Executive Director.
Applicable analyzed the future researchers and Kondratieff expert Erik Handeler did. Economic researcher Nikolai Kondratieff wrote that the markets of tomorrow due to scarce factors of production. In the information society tomorrow the prosperity of it will depend on how efficiently the knowledge workers work together. The Information society was far more than the continuation of the old industrial society with computers. In the generations of our parents and grandparents were most people still in the factory and have screwed, machined, assembled, worked with her hands the real material world; very few have planned, organized, marketed. “This relationship has turned around: in a world that their amount of knowledge doubles every five years, no longer is first and foremost about more information, but that’s why, they manage to get quickly on that information, you need to solve a current problem”, writes Some1 in his book the history of the future”.” Educated people are scarce and the most profitable investment was therefore today the investment in people. The management consultant Peter Druck has put it even more clearly: the economic priority of developed countries must be to increase productivity in the knowledge and service professions. Who first succeed, is that Economically dominate the 21st century. Nadolski sums up with the mindset of Damian sicking that will not succeed unfortunately”in conversation with NeueNachricht.