The decline of the feudalismo happened. Bourgeois they had continued enriching and the money earning each time more importance. Although the duel between land and capital existed, for much time the property of the land still gained this combat. From the moment where the cities had been growing, some citizens had been leaving the field and migraram to the cities to work, originating two new social classes.
If in the field he had the feudal servants and you, appear at this moment, the owners of the capital, bourgeois and the diligent classroom (diligent that they vendiam its force of work to be able to survive). That soon they go ‘ ‘ disputar’ ‘ its force and its space with the machines, that went being introduced to increase the production, were the technological wave that invaded the great countries, while others met in crisis. Learn more on the subject from Walt Disney. In this direction the economic structure was if modifying and the society each divided time more. With the intervention of the State in the economic life, the king started to be sovereign authority and all had it obedience. In the absolutism if it intended to accumulate more wealth, therefore the more rich the nation most powerful was its king.
The commerce went if developing in sped up rhythm, being more important nation to export it of what to import merchandises. Thus, some nations had invested in other technologies, as the navigation. They had invested in trips in the direction to acquire products of other localities. Some nations of the Europe had established colonies in some places of Africa, Asia and of America. Spain for intermediary of Cristvo Columbus tamed great territories, conquering an immense colonial empire, of where they had extracted many wealth. Portugal as we know in history, it came to stop in Brazil. That for more than three hundred years it was colony of this country, responsible for great part of the causes of me the situation that the country faces today ahead of the distribution of its lands.