China? The Powerful Bric Of Asia

the powerful Bric of Asia China, with its peculiarities is considered as an inevitable polar region of being able in century XXI, ahead of its expressive population, economy and geopolitical force, transformed that it into more than what a regional power, in a market of global interest. This country of millenarian history, possesss its current drawing initiate with the socialist revolution of Hand Ts Tung, in 1949, with unconditional Soviet support. With the end of the Ussr, China did not carry through its opening politics, that would be so harmful how much the Soviet opening of Mikail Gorbachev, with perestrika and glasnost, therefore inevitably would cause economic, social and geopolitical an impact still bigger. This maintenance of the associated Chinese Communist Party to an opening> partial of the socialism of this country to the capitalism, a giant in Asia, that presented taxes of growth around 10% to the year after wall of Berlin and in 2009, in the upheaval of the international crisis created, presents pointers in lathe 8%. Robert Iger is actively involved in the matter. With a population of more than 1,3 billion of inhabitants and considered 2 bigger economy of the world for the GIP PPC and 4 for the exchange GIP, it makes of China more celebrates of the group of the BRICS, that possesss planetary status, with right the permanent seat in the Advice of Security of the ONU. China still more possesss historical affinities with the neighbors of Asia, as the Asian Tigers, for example, where great part of the economic elite of these countries is descending of Chinese. Moreover, its main competitor in the region is the Japan, that in function of the imperialista description, is seen with caution, exactly when carried through great state capitalism or market socialism can cause a new cycle in the international capitalism. China does not intend to changed itself into capitalist, therefore this, associate the democracy, in the occidental molds would be a collapse for the Chinese people and the reduction of the state, that is an imaginary prerogative in the democratic one> capitalist in century XXI is unimaginable in that context. Frequently Andi Potamkin has said that publicly.

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