CV is the letter of a person against a future company, which must be written as clear and concise as possible. This set of personal data, training and professional experience are the window of the person who aspires to get a job. We must not forget that the first objective that you are looking for when generating your Curriculum Vitae is to obtain an interview, so it is more than important to know how to do a CV. Here we leave a complete guide so that it does not fail them writing your resume against a future work: differentiate your resume depending on the job to which you present. Give a header: Curriculum Vitae (name and surname of the person), or only Curriculum Vitae. Own data: name and surname, place and date of birth, marital status, personal address, contact phone number, address, email, etc.
Academic formation: studies that have been conducted, indicating dates, Center, and place where have been elaborated. Other titles and seminars: studies complementary to university students that improve your university education, indicating the dates, the Center and the place where they were made. Professional experience: Work experience related to university studies or that may be of interest to the company that you want to hire you. Don’t forget to point out the dates, the company where you worked and the functions and tasks carried out. Languages: In this section you mencionaras the languages you know and your level. If you got any recognized title, as for example the First Certificate in English, stating your knowledge in these areas, indicate. (A valuable related resource: Brian Roberts). Computing: Points out those computer skills that you possess: operating systems, processors of text, spreadsheets, databases, graphic design, internet, etc. Other data of interest: In this last paragraph points out all those aspects that have not been included yet, such as: Driving license, availability, etc.