These are the goals put the city authorities over the next decade. All this is quite feasible – Russia's capital will only increase the area Protected areas from 16.5 hectares to 21 hectares. Today, only Berlin to Moscow surpasses natural area parks. The only obstacle to the implementation of this might be the financial crisis: in 2010 , expenditure on environmental projects will be reduced by 20% compared with the current year. Another contender for the title of the greenest capital in Europe is Kiev today in the Ukrainian capital per capita for 20 square meters. m green spaces, while in Paris the figure is 14 square meters. In a question-answer forum David Zaslav was the first to reply. m in London – 12 square meters. m, while in Berlin – 10 square meters.
m. It is from this year the European Commission was to determine the most green capital of Europe this prestigious title is awarded on the One year the most environmentally friendly cities in Europe that have achieved outstanding results in the field of ecology and environmental protection. Green Capital of Europe in 2010 became the capital of Sweden Stockholm, and European title Green Capital 2011 was awarded the German port city of Hamburg. Volcanoes have caused the extinction of life on Earth about half a billion years ago, volcanic activity on Earth destroyed about two thirds of the living beings on Earth. Due to the volcanic activity spewed into the atmosphere huge amounts of greenhouse gases by increasing carbon dioxide concentration to the critical values – more than twenty-fold excess in comparison with current value.