The structure of directed relations the strategic map of the upper levels to describe the objectives of the strategy. A good balanced map contains a complex of overtaking and summary core indicators. Educate yourself with thoughts from CBS. So, for example, if a summary indicator is the incidence of employees, a counter review over is so the value of prophylactic vaccination. In practice, so that the process of putting together the balanced scorecard didn’t stop, the factor analysis simplified first used, where the level of influence of the known in advance indicators (of factors) on the qualitative level after 3 ball roughly assessed scale is “unaffected”, indirectly influenced “, directly influenced.. The indicators influence not just on the result are discarded and the remaining indicators are examined by the experts with regard to the determination of weight for the compilation of the equation of regression. This rule can be used by Pareto, i.e.
All of the factors that has the summary weight of approximately 20% and less, will be excluded from further consideration. Any management decision – strategic or operational, affecting the future development of the society, is always associated with some level of uncertainty. In other words, the probability of achieving the objectives which the society is always less than 100% is. The vagueness can both positively (the possibility) than negative (the threat). Therefore, the company prior to the development of the strategy to analyze all significant opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis is used in practice.
Due to this analytical information, the strategic scenarios are developed, from which comes out the optimal strategy from the point of view of the risks. So, the information about the opportunities and threats (the opportunities and the risks) already in the early stages of the formulation of the strategy is documented. But the main question is how this information at the Implementation of the strategy will be used.