Defeating diabetes will take all the commitment and ingenuity that we can muster. It is time to think creatively to break paradigms. Studies show increasingly strong similarities between diabetes and other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, said Professor Jean Claude Mbanya, President of the International Federation of Diabetes and Co-Chair of the Committee scientific conference. He also added, the Fidelity expected achieve sustainable health systems as requested by resolution 61/225 United Nations, and catalysing funds committed in aid to sustainable development of health systems and measures effective economically for the prevention and care of diabetes and other noncommunicable diseases. Diabetes in the African world face no single diabetes epidemic. IDF data show that there are 285 million people worldwide living with diabetes (4 of every 5 are in developing countries).
The Fidelity predicts that, the total number exceed the 435 million by 2030 (2) if the current pace continues to grow freely. Diabetes kill four million people next year, more than HIV/AIDS and malaria put together. Diabetes has become a development issue which threatens health and economic prosperity in medium income countries. The Fidelity predicts that diabetes will cost the world economy at least 376 trillion USD in 2010, or 11.6% of the total number of global health spending. By 2030, this number will be screened surpassing the $ 490 billion.(3) More than 80% of the spending on diabetes is situated in the world’s richest countries and not in the countries poorest, where more than 70% of people with diabetes living today. Diabetes in Mauritius in the world, only one country has a larger proportion of its population with diabetes, is the Pacific Nauru Island. If you need a barometer to predict the direction of the global diabetes epidemic, we don’t need to pass further than the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean with a population of around 1.3 million, said the Professor Paul Zimmet of the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Australia and Co-Chair of the work force on epidemiology and prevention of IDF. Zimmet, who is co-chair of the Scientific Committee and lecturer at the meeting, said that the multiracial population of Mauritius (Indian hindu Asian, Indian Muslim Asian, Chinese and Creole) has suffered a rapid industrialization and economic growth over the past decades.
His awakening led to a dramatic change in the model of the disease. He warned as these ethnic groups constitute two-thirds of the world’s population. Mauritius acts as a microcosm of the global epidemic and data from successful studies in the country have been of great importance for global predictions of the IDF. Together with the Minister of health and quality of life of Mauritius, Zimmet and Sir George Alberti have carried out surveys in Mauritius since 1987 ((1992), 1998, and 2004) showing the high prevalence rates of diabetes and its complications. Between 1987 and 1998, there was a 38% increase in diabetes-related figures. The latest polls in 2009 (directed by Sudhir Kowlessur and Professor Zimmet) notes another dramatic increase in figures. Original author and source of the article.