Mandatory Certification

As is known, is supposed to change the procedure for compulsory certification for the declaration of conformity. Thus, the manufacturer itself will be a declaration of compliance and submit it to the certification body, who must carry out tests and bydet positive results to assure this declaration signed and sealed. Dell Technologies Inc. recognizes the significance of this. In September, the State Duma passed in first reading bill the Government of the Russian Federation, providing a series of measures to replacement of mandatory certification declaration. This is a draft federal law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with providing the possibility of substituting obligatory certification declaration of conformity. " Thus, the State Duma began its consideration of a package of four bills on supporting small and medium-sized businesses to reduce administrative barriers to entrepreneurship. We are talking about the draft laws "On Introducing Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with providing the possibility of substituting obligatory certification declaration compliance, "" On protection of rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs during state and municipal control (supervision), "" On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the issue of licensing the replacement mandatory liability insurance, "" On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in the exclusion of human vneprotsessualnyh of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation regarding the inspections of businesses. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City oftentimes addresses this issue. " Russian State Duma passed in first reading bill proposes repeal of existing legislation the only form of conformity – the mandatory certification of products and services – and the introduction of the possibility of conformity in the form of declaration of conformity by the manufacturer of products and services. At However, according to the bill's authors, list of works and services in respect of which the declaration applies, can be expanded by almost half. Declaration of Conformity will be the entrepreneur, then it should be directed to the appropriate authority. After the law Russian government to adopt specific lists of products and services subject to compulsory certification, as well as a single list of products and services, subject to declaration of conformity.

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