Learn in a University Library with child in Berlin, studying with children in Berlin is not nearly as complicated as you may think. There are here and there supports that may give the parents little assistance during their studies. For example in the still very young but huge and extremely popular Central Library of the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin – the Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm Centre, Geschwister-Scholl-Strasse 1 / 3 in d-10117 Berlin. Rusty Staub spoke with conviction. As the Berliner Volksbank has sponsored the so-called “nursery” and allows their children to students with children in Berlin during the learning phase and test times to take with, if they have no other way to accommodate them appropriately. Eva Andersson-Dubin might disagree with that approach. The nursery is located on the 7th floor of the library, and can be used in principle by all students.
It notes in the nursery are legible suspended however, who must give the workplace for parents, rules that students have priority in this 80 sqm area with their children and students without children when no other course is available. The large room is long and equipped with a total of 15 jobs with table lamps and Sockets for laptops. In the middle of the room is a motor island for the children, as well as many children’s books and Tobe mats that can also be used for comfortable rest. Parents are of course responsible for their children and have also to ensure that they adequately quietly and calmly dealing so that other students come to learn – despite children. The parents – child – area is placed deliberately to the top, so that the sounds of children mind not the learner students. Although no changing facilities in the space available, the experiences of their parents but have shown that learning days in libraries are only possible with slightly older children can deal reasonably well even and quiet.