After a pair of times spelling its direction of electronic mail, will get to appreciate the beauty of a name of short dominion. Its name of dominion can contain up to 67 letters and numbers, and it cannot contain special characters different from scripts, although I would like to encourage it to that she does not have this length. 5. It buys his christian name like a dominion name, as well as the common misspelling of his name. It creates Brandy with his christian name in his main dominion. Once he has acquired the name of a dominion, You it can redirigir to his main Web site, this means that when somebody writes in a dominion its christian name, lands in the Web site to which you have indicated in the dominion. 6. It buys version .COM of the name, if he is available.
When people hear a dominion name, she wants ” escuchar”. COM if one is .NET .BIZ or .ORG to not is them so familiar, therefore, is worth the pain to find a dominion name that you like, that it is part of family .COM. If she cannot obtain the name that wishes, it proves a version with script of his name .COM. Many specialists in CATHEDRAL comment that the names of dominion with script better are accepted by the motors search, reason why many proprietors of businesses in line use separated key words by scripts in their names of dominion to be more attractive for the motors search. I do not have a clear answer as far as the validity of this theory, so simply they plead for that way before having to resort to .NET .BIZ of the name that wishes. Some proprietors of dominion names can be arranged to sell the dominion name that wishes. You can to discover its name of dominion in the control of the Secretariat of the WHOIS in Internic.
For information on the codes of countries (two letters) dominions of level superior (. The United Kingdom or .CA, for example) Visit 7. It considers the possibility of owning other versions of his name of main dominion. If you are registering yourself in version .COM of a dominion for your business, you also can want to obtain the variations of the name, exist alternative versions like .NET and .ORG that she will reorient to his customer to his main site to maintain them outside the hands of his competitors. He does not abuse these variants since he can break very quickly by means of, reason why he must exert a certain moderation in his purchases and not become crazy with the purchase of each individual variation of his name of dominion. Its name of dominion is the beginning of the creation of its presence in line, tmese the necessary time and thinks about the process so that the dominion name serves to him during the next years, since it is an effective tool that him aid to obtain more clients in line. By an effective emprendimiento. Miguel Domnguez.