Time Management

Your joy is your sorrow with mask. And the same well as your laughter arises was often fills your tears. Gibran Khalil Gibran General and some considerations should never neglect Management which is to have well established within the company in charge of the culture of quality and productivity, especially with regard to Just in Time (Just in time). It is known as a helpful tool for all types of company, because its philosophy is definitely very oriented to continuous improvement through efficiency in each of the elements of the business system (suppliers, process productive staff and customers). The philosophy of “just in time” is based mainly on the reduction of waste and of course the quality of the products or services through a deep commitment (loyalty) of each and every one of the members of the organization and a strong orientation to their tasks (involvement in the work), which in one way or another will result in higher productivity, lower costs, quality, customer satisfaction, increased sales and higher profits likely. Celina Dubin, New York City will not settle for partial explanations.

Some of the applications just in time include: reduced inventory, improved quality control, product reliability, the use of personnel, among others. It reminds us Marta Martinez C. , Which involves producing just in time just exactly what is necessary to accomplish the goals requested by the client, ie to produce the minimum number of units in smaller quantities and at the last possible moment possible, eliminating the need for storage, as stocks sufficient minimum and arrive just in time to replace the now used and the elimination of the inventory of finished product..

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