It was one year significant, if it leaned over eagerly on eloquence on the right, but Ovdio soon gave account of that the life in frum was not its preference and that as clearly leaves in its workmanship it disdained it. It was distinguished in the oratria. Its father wanted that it studied rhetoric, to act in the legal area; opposing itself energetically to its poetical vocation, to enter in the politics, therefore, administrative career wanted to destine it. Ovdio was sent, still very young, together with its older brother Rome, where it received performed with care and complete rhetorical formation. But, a trip Greece with its Pompeu friend also poet, led to be enchanted itself over the penetrated mitolgicas associations in the Greek landscape. After this experience, Ovdio decided to leave the brief administrative career and to dedicate the poetry to it.
He started to coexist poets as Proprcio and already the mature Horcio (on Circle Caio Maecenas), did not know Virglio and the Tibulo poet, died little before being presented to it (he dedicated one chose fnebre). The exile caused it one deep disgust (registered in its Tristia), until the end of its life. It was at this time that Ovdio wrote its more famous workmanship: Metamorphoses (Metamorphoses), writing in hexmetro dactlico, metric common to Epic poems of Homero and Virglio. Ovdio influenced with its verses the revitalizao of the buclica and mitolgica poetry of the Renaissance; also authors as Dante, Milton and Shakespeare. In accordance with the Sneca, the old Ovdio tended for the emotional one on the contrary of the argumentativo polar region of the rhetoric. After the death of its brother of 20 years of age, Ovdio abandoned the right career and started to travel for Atenas, Asia Menor and Sicily. It occupied lesser public offices, as tresviri capitalese in decemviri stlitibus indicandis, but it resigned to continue in the poetry probably for return of 29-25 B.C., when it had 18 years.