the creation of a corporative identity um vital element in the consolidation of a mark. It must project imagemintegrada, strong and reconhecvel, so that interpretadapelo consuming in positive way can be identified and. As Kotler (2000, P. 318), … the identity is related with the way as umaempresa it aims at to identify and to locate same itself or its products, maneira Image as the public sees the company or its products. The image is affected pormuitos factors that the company cannot control … the mark identity provides a structure for global suacoerncia.
It establishes the limits of the positioning, regulates half deexpresso and assures its individuality and durability. For even more opinions, read materials from madison hospital. The concept deidentidade establishes the limits and the contours for a positioning damarca. For Tavares (1998, P. 75), … the mark identity can be defined as umconjunto only of mark characteristics that the company looks for to create to emanter.
It is in these characteristics that the apia company if and if guides to parasatisfazer consuming and members of the company and the society. … The differentiation well-succeeded of one marks requires that elaoferea some type of exclusive value, something different and that it conquers aliderana and the preference of the market. With this strategical approach, asorganizaes have that to modify some positionings, keeping external tunning with oambiente not to lose the leadership and to have eficinciaoperacional profits. According to Oliveira (2002), the evolution of the mark passes for trsestgios: assertive, assimilative and absorvitivo. In the first period of training, oassertivo, the mark speaks for the consumer, communicates its point of view, dizendoque is best the that it is enough to trust them to become the certain thing. Nosegundo period of training, assimilative, the marks assume a dialogue position, about queo customer it thinks that it can be important for the growth of the mark (it is umarelao of equality and participation).