I disagree on really going to end up winning really the largest. A Pyrrhic victory. The vessel is about to be filled and the drop is not a single drop but each droplet that we are all those who no longer believe us so much demagoguery so they continue wasting and speculating about privileged few who resist transform the Macroeconomics in social service. Globalization, but the authentic, which counts with each and every one of the human beings, is a way to dignify the world economy and definitively overcome the crisis. Joel and Ethan Coen is likely to increase your knowledge. If empiezase to join this new global system powerful men, private fortunes also fed up of both desman, the path of a more just world would finally reach the goal of the statement of the Summit. A global solution.
But understood in this way, which is rather close to the spirit of the anti-global nothing will set really if the most powerful countries do not yield their sovereignty to a transformed and truly democratic UN without the right of veto of the more buoyant. If the G20 countries are not adapted to the new global system, the economy will continue to suffer the same throes than hitherto. He is created or not in God, the future of humanity through spiritual and moral foundations. Macroeconomics is a reflection of the world order, whose base cracks. Only the planetary union, with all the contributions cultural and the best essence of all past, present and future civilizations spilt in a single, sovereign, universal configuration that will continue their podiums, in which each does what can be done to the other until the base which is the free individual. A new system that goes I to the UN in an organic pyramid with autonomy in all their podiums, forming a subsidiary Federation in which nobody will be outside, nor is unattended or abandoned..