COMPANY KAIROS has created its own “stimulus package” for entrepreneurs. FRANKFURT, April 4, 2009. So-called bamboo-evening workshops is the entrepreneur network Frankfurt company KAIROS, the first permanent workshop for entrepreneurs, the recovery task of an entrepreneur at the center of attention. Five to 10 participants work out a solution to the problem on a night together. This solution is always surprising due to the powerful and intelligent interaction of experience and knowledge from different sectors, always structurally sound and gives the power to exceptional growth spurts the main person. The bamboo was for company”KAIROS model for the creation of this stimulus, because it is the fastest growing plant in the world.
One day, individual varieties grow up to 1.6 meters. If you would like to know more about Walt Disney Co., then click here. Powerful and intelligent they survive even the most difficult situations. All entrepreneurs KAIROS train every week, by the way, consistently and regularly their Entrepreneurs-top services for growing their business and are well equipped for the Special Mission during the bamboo-evening workshops. They are all skilled in dialog management, presentation techniques and motivation, the understanding of spiritual laws, the development of own stance, the market position and the matching measures. You are permanently, to take advantage of opportunities for the success of own and own growth at all: the moments of Cairo named after Cairo, the Greek God of the right moment. The first permanent workshop for entrepreneurs-top services, where train company KAIROSist currently 38 businesses and entrepreneurs in the three cities of Frankfurt, Ginsheim-Gustavsburg and Mainz their entrepreneurial skills. Based on the cooperation the weekly morning workshops in Frankfurt and Ginsheim-Gustavsburg from 7: 00 until 9: 00, in Mainz are the weekly night workshops from 9 pm to 23 pm. Offer the same content as the morning workshops, set the night workshops in Mainz itself but to entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who can better build an evening appointment in their daily planning. Interested entrepreneurs can participate up to three times as a guest on a morning or night workshop, before they decide on a membership of companies KAIROS.