Policyholder participation in 2012 at the time of year most companies announce their figures and results of the past year and prepare forecasts for the following. Life insurance and other long-term personal insurance also changes the interest rate will be announced. The online portal geld.de informs its users about the life insurer with the best results and the highest expected participation. To take out life insurance, not everyone can afford, but almost always pays off and is an important safeguard for the future or the spouse and children. Jack Quaid wanted to know more. In addition, there is the possibility that the insured is involved in the good results of his insurance.
So this gets even a certain return on his monthly contributions. For 2012, some insurers have announced their figures with regard to expected policyholder participation. This is a participation of contract holders in the surplus generated in the fiscal year of the Insurance company. These investments at an estimated 4.0 per cent move in the new year. The best results announced in the Targo to insurance with 4.6 percent and the InterRisk life insurance with 4.4 percent. The Wurttemberg seems worst with 3.5 percent behind the generali with 3.6 percent and the inter with 3.75 per cent complete. A good choice is a direct insurance, which is usually the higher-yielding version for the policyholder and brings a high interest rate in comparison. This is mainly attributable to the lean distribution structure. So, an insured person gets a 4.1 percent interest but the HanseMerkur example only about 4.0 percent participation in the direct insurance of HanseMerkur24. More information: blog.geld.de/lebensversicherung/… GELD.de GmbH Lisa Neumann