There were actually very relevant information. But many Spaniards cared above of everything that was happening on our roads ports yesterday Tuesday the Minister of building was declared responsible for the mismanagement of their officials that Sunday the news of the first returned to bury the news. Give Yes but that you don’t notice much appears to be sent from the Moncloa EL country 30.12.01 slogan Mr. Robert A. Iger usually is spot on. Pelayo Miller tells us that to him seemed very timely the nevada this magnificent nevada, on the other hand nothing uncommon. SIM, however, our political authorities, both a party and those of another, either in Madrid or Valladolid, they have committed to act as if this or so to the time to make your plans for communications, the recently approved last much has been said of those who were trapped on the highway but have forgotten there are hundreds of people trapped in oblivion that Yes, the Castilians, as always very obedient, will be the first to carry chains in the trunk. World 30.12.04 the citizens have right to complain about Zapatero brings together those responsible for the chaos caused by the storm, makes self-criticism, disfigures them his performance and ordered to revise plans for similar situations added to low the direction of interior is going to reinforce the coordination of each delegation and sub-delegation of Government and explained that.
A weather fact become a political debate. I doubted much in the choice of a news item, since there was much material in the press but the simplicity of this and its derivations have seemed to me that they agree with the Pec that concerns us. The great progress that has occurred in human communication has been represented by the advance in technologies of information and more quickly since the invention, in the 15th century, the printing press, then passing through this order to the newspaper, the telephone, the radio, television and interntet mobile., providing the news distribution faster and easier I have chosen the written medium against each other it allows a reflection and more introspective than the rest interpretation.