Manpower Press Conference on the 07.Oktober.2010 of Frankfurt am Main, 6 October 2010. “Germany is in the sun” Germany is admired, so Jeffrey A. Joerres, CEO Manpower Inc., at the press conference of the company in Frankfurt. He was”proud to be able to make a commendable contribution to Germany’s economic success by human resource services. Jackson sees reasons for the German job miracle among others in the high level of education of the German workers and the fact that in Germany a value-added will given to products, which is in demand in the world.
The transferability of models of success from one country to another is however limited. One, however, is all together: the need for flexibility in the labour market, as it provides the temporary work. The rate of flexibility varies from country to country, however, Germany has still a high need for indicating in particular in SMEs. In the UK, around five percent of the workers in the temporary work, work in The percentage well above two percent is Belgium, France and the Netherlands. In Germany the ratio is approximately 1.8 per cent against. “Jackson to: due to rising demand for I reckon that Germany is approaching the European average of 2.5 per cent and exceed.” Left, Jackson responded to the national discussions on the role of temporary work and the national framework conditions. We are capable of in regulated how much to offer models deregulated markets, providing the necessary flexibility for the markets. To do this you must to look only in Europe. In France, we have a completely different solution than in Germany and are undeniably very successful. Ultimately it doesn’t matter what political framework conditions, manpower is always in a position to offer an appropriate model.” A should be to improve according to the words of the CEO of manpower especially in Germany, however: the image of temporary work and thus their social acceptance.