One of the most important issues in the area of web design, is the promotion. What us does have a website, if at the end there are few that just seeing it? For that reason, today we will see how to optimize one of the tools of open source more widespread now in the web scenario for the creation of blogs. Jeffrey L. Bewkes insists that this is the case.
We are talking about WordPress. For those who do not know wordpress, in a nutshell, it is a content management system, free, with which we can generate Digital blogs on the internet. More references here. Topics in web design, one of the things that we most want to follow, is the natural positioning of our work. Today we will see how to make friendly urls in wordpress. We’ll force indexing of friendly urls (friendly urls) in the major search engines. To begin go to the control panel of our wordpress and permalinks which lies on the route options to reach > PERMALINKS there will find the following options (default, and name and month name, numeric day and custom structure). DEFAULT is the default setting that brings our blog. By default your configuration is the domain name which we have since followed by a number that matches the number of post / article that we have introduced in the system, we are in the database. DAY and name in this configuration of urls, find our domain, followed by the date and the name of post. MONTH and name as follows find the month and the name of the post in the urls of our numerical blog what we will see here will be our domain followed by the entry number in the database of our post/entry. CUSTOM structure will make a special mention to this option, since it will allow us to fully customize our urls.
Then I leave a list of all the options that we could incorporate into the urls as it would be the category of articles-post, date and the nombre-titulo of our article among others by default. The basic list would be as follows: % year % > > the year of creation of the article with 4 digits for example: 2009% monthnum % > month of the year in number, for example 04, if we refer to April % > day of the month in which it is believed the post, always numeric and 18 would be a good example. % hour % > time of day example: 13% minute % > minute from the time of creation of the article from our blog: for example 37. % second % > with this command we will refer to the second of time in which we write our article for example 24% postname % > with this command we will refer to the title of our article. If this had blanks, automatically hyphenated words would be separated, for example our title is welcome to our BLOG, the URL would be bienvenidos-a – our – blog. % post_id % > This would show the id of each post, what is the id? It is the identification number of each article, every time we introduce a new entry in our blog, to register in the database, these post, are associated with a number of input. It is a natural number, integer and positive. egory % > category of our article. % author % > author who wrote the article do as choosing our URLs friendly? Well, is something that you have to take into account from the principle, if you want to promote yourself, your name on the network, what most reasonable is that you post your full name in the url to make each article that you write your name that appears. IE: /%author% /%postname% and show entries of type in the following example we want to position our blog by resources business for individuals and companies, so that in the field of custom structure will be: /recursos_empresariales/particulares_empresas/egory%/%postname% apart from showing the key words resources business, individuals and companies each url will contain the category’s articles and also their titles. As you can see, you can play with millions of possibilities. Focus on the keywords that you want to promote.
So far our step 1. STEP 2 in step 2, we will create a text file in Notepad and will incorporate the code wordpress we will generate below. The file in question as We will call htaccess.txt. STEP 3 in the panel of permalinks in wordpress and once performed steps 1 and 2, will collect changes step 4 using our ftp Manager, go to the root of your domain and proceed as follows: If there is the file HTACCESS Lo will open and will add to content that already has, sentence mod_rewrite generating us wordpress if not exist the file HTACCESS climb the txt file that we generated in step 2. And we rename it by removing the .txt extension and add also a point ahead leaving follows the name of the file: htaccess.txt > .htaccess step 5 see run already, your friendly urls in wordpress. RECOMMENDATIONS to) verify that there really is that (access) file and that is not hidden. (b) onstage backups of .htaccess file if it already exists to replace it in the event of failure or mistake. (c) for advanced users you can put the file htaccess with read-only permissions. (d) post or previous entries are they will modify automatically. (e) be careful with blank spaces, it is a very typical failure to modify and configure these settings, do not put whitespace characters or even at the end of the custom structure, nor nor within the file htaccess so wouldn’t work.