
Therefore, with this study we perceive and inside to visualize of our possibilities that the nurse it is each more operating and conscientious time of its new paper and has condition to explore diverse modalities therapeutical as the musicoterapia, in the performance of its professional activity, placing in practical attention alternatives the sick person, so that they keep the exercise of its autonomy and citizenship, or same to rehabilitate them. These alternatives make with that the treatment offered to the patient is less sacrificante and more pleasant. 5,0 FINAL CONSIDERAES The musicoterapia is the use of music and/or its elements (sound, rhythm, melody and harmony), in a systemize process of form to facilitate and to promote the communication, the relationship, to the learning, the mobilization, the expression and organization of psychic processes of one or more individuals so that it recoups its functions, developing its potential and acquiring one better quality of life. Read more here: Frieda Hughes. We evidence that music acts on the culture that it of the form and which it drift, at the same time where if she inserts in the dynamic structure where proper it if formed. She is inserted in some social activities, of what multiple meanings elapse. The culture of referenciais, as well as the material and symbolic instruments of that each citizen if appropriates to create, to weave and to guide its constructions in this in case that, the creative and musical activities. When music is lived deeply if it establishes a relation with the musical substance in itself (resulted of the relation of its elements) and with all a net of meanings constructed in the social world. Ahead of this context the musicoterapia is used has times as not medicamentosa therapy for people of any etria band in accordance with diverse authors, providing well-being and still assisting in the treatment of some insanities as infantile autismo, schizophrenia, depression among others. .

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