With MS Access application – for the perfect CRM? The Viennese AutoCAD dealer ing. Hubert Mader GmbH”has begun some time ago to cover its specific industry requirements (E.g., hotline, service contracts, and license management) with a self-developed Access database. For us, it was important to remain flexible at manageable costs”sums up the Managing Director ing. Hubert Mader its way to the optimal CRM. After the business requirements were largely covered, the call was louder for additional features. “Word interface, Outlook coupling, sales management, order processing, ToDo management requirements the simply not more by the way” were possible.
In this phase it was high time to create a professional solution!” The search for a way out, a solution revealed with MAXCRM. MAXCRM offers all the features of a great CRM software and modular can be extended to the multi-client order processing. But significantly, the possibility was existing, itself to engage and continue to use developed industry solutions directly in MAXCRM. For the users it it not visible is whether a mask comes from MAXCRM or the industry solution. A seamless integration and symbiosis with a common data base.
The whole adaptation, installation and data transfer was realized in 2 days. Day 3 we already were in regular operation including new order processing”recalls Alexander Brozek, the project manager for the introduction of the system. For all companies with access expertise (special knowledge is not required) MAXCRM should be top of the list. Highest productivity and powerful functionality with typical access look & feel result choice for CRM with the extensive customizing options! The company ing. Hubert Mader GmbH is authorized AutoCAD dealer and software developer for the area of road and railway planning, as well as hydraulic engineering and visualization. MAXCRM is a professional customer relationship management (CRM) software, the particular care of the relations with customers and prospects. MAXCRM makes understandable business contacts and activities related projects and customers, more credible. More detailed information on individual.htm contact: MAXCRM.com Judith Hinterberger marketplace 14 4625 open Wallace AUSTRIA Tel.: 07247/50315-0 E-Mail: