Babysitter Search, Find Friends,

New platform for free, mutual child care parents limited childcare, Kita strikes, fear of workplace life with small children is an organizational challenge for couples both for single parents. No matter whether it comes to re-enter in the old job after the baby break, in the short term to look after the sick Grandma or enjoy just once a few hours for yourself: a short – or long-term child care is expensive and often hard to find. Sitter-team is the solution”, the new online portal for free and mutual child care parents. Here find them not only support, but also save money. On onnen is mothers and fathers from all over Germany announce and find like-minded people in their neighborhood on the Internet.

Public and commercial childcare can not meet the demand, the community must help!”Claudius Kohrt and Stefan Schmidt were thinking. And with the idea for sitter team is an innovative solution that mothers and fathers of great benefit can be designed: A network for free child care in a familiar environment. The registration takes place in just a few short steps and specifying the place of residence and age of the children. Additional short questions extending the criteria according to which a specially developed filter techniques later searches the user profiles. Suitable candidates are presented each other virtually. Details can be found by clicking rusty holzer or emailing the administrator. Then there is the interested thing, to make the contact and personal meeting closer to meet.

It is sympathetic, even outside of the Internet can communities gather together and share the care of the children themselves. “According to the motto: you today, me tomorrow.” The sitter teams can consist of any number of mothers and fathers and even the entry of new members to existing groups is possible. Sympathy and mutual trust are vital, because only who knows his child in good hands, can efficiently the tasks of everyday life and cope stress-free or also at a few relaxing hours to enjoy. Because the service was a large, but not the only challenge in life with young children is, the platform also has the possibility to organize joint activities with other parents and children outside of the teams or free to get clothes and toys at the give Bazaar or awarded. The clear advantage of sitter team here as well as with child care: as opposed to daycare and expensive baby sitters, sitters team won’t cost a penny. The concept is based on mutual help and giving, not on paid services. So parents can save easily up to 2,000 euro and more a year. Background: established In June 2009, has made it sitter team to the task, to bring together communities closer. The anonymity of the modern metropolis helps ensure that many don’t know their neighbor. The chance to meet like-minded parents on the playground exists though, but comparatively low. At the same time, the disintegration of traditional family structures through high geographical mobility and rising divorce rate, the supply of scientists more difficult. Sitter-team vision: In the future contact micro-networks in many areas of life in the place of traditional families and support where they no longer can it. More information is available on the website. Press contact: modem conclusa public relations GmbH, Jutastrasse 5, 80636 Munich Martha Rothe t. 089 746308-32, F. 089 18979198

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