Desistimiendo of the process or action (pretension).-is the Act whereby the actor expresses its willingness to put an end to the process without that handed down a sentence of background with respect to the material law invoked as the basis of that. 2 Desistimiendo of the law-is the Act under which the actor abdicates the material claimed as a basis for the claim. What matters in this exception and medi ode Defense is the withdrawal of the law and not of action, because this last not concluded definitively with the right object in the process. 7 Exceptions at execution of sentence Art. 344 C.P.C-in single sentence may oppose the peremptory exceptions supervening with pre-determined test. ORDINARY Executive coercive previous incompetence incompetence incompetence Impersoneria Impersoneria pendens pendens obscurity, contradiction, inaccuracies misses force Executive lack of coercive force subpoena warrantor falsehood inability of the title falsehood inability of the title PEREMPTORY documented payment payment documented compensation of credit thing judged thing judged transaction transaction conciliation conciliation withdrawal of the right prescription prescription 8. Jurisprudence? Constitutional Court or SSCC No.
1582/05 – R of 7 December; 577/04 of April 15 and June 22 752/02-R what are the demands on the court ad quem when it meets an appeal of exceptions in civil matters? the right to due process, among its members of budgets requires that any duly substantiated decision. I.e., that each authority dictate a resolution indispensably expose the facts, make the legal foundation and cited the rules underpinning the part the same operative. That, as a result when a judge ignores the motivation of a resolution, not only surpime a structural part of it, but also in fact makes a decision in fact not of law which violates flagrantly the cited law that allows parties to know what are the reasons to have it declared in this or that direction; or what is the same cua is the ratio decidendi that led the judge to make the decision; such reitererando reasoning and ampliadolo, SC 0577 / 2004-R, of 15 April, expressed the following doctrine: this requirement to substantiate the decisions, becomes even more relevant when the judge or court must resolve in appeal imugancion of decisions handed down by the authorities of first instance; especially, when it comes to reslver resources on exceptions, they have finality and therefore, it is essential that such resolutions are sufficiently motivated and stating clearly the reasons and legal foundations that sustain them and which allow us to conclude, that the determination on the non-existence of the long-suffering tort existenciao was the result of a correct and objective appreciation of the evidenceLikewise requiring the appellant to comply with the obligation to substantiate the grievance; Whereas, in the measure in which the resolutions contain, the fundamentals of fact and law, the respondent will have the certainty that the decision taken is fair; do so not you allowed to a judge or court, replace the Foundation by the relationship of antecedents, the mention of the requirements of the parties to make allusion that the judge acted in accordance with law? Supreme Court Justice 2005 or prior exception of darkness and contradiction in the demand-the derogation provided for in article 336-4) of the Cod.