You have access to a wide variety of consumer goods, new technologies and knowledge. It allows access to ideas and international best practices in different fields and domains. This can be a new product design, a new project of investment, a new production technology, a new management practice, even can be a set of institutions that have proven successful elsewhere, and finally, a model of society. Confirms that the driving force of all these trends towards economic, social and cultural globalization, is based on the idea of the expansion of markets, the communications revolution and scientific and technological innovations. It cannot be denied, that there is an inescapable trend toward such openness, towards the formation of markets global and global corporations. It is observed as the integration of markets continues to consolidate in the case of the European Union, through a strong process of agreements that is enabling the achievement of monetary union. The media have been reflecting this process of globalization with the frequent news about mergers that have been made, for example, between large German automotive companies with American, banks, etc.
Definitely, in the technological field, globalization is revealed as a dynamic process, whose progress is irreversible and whose consequences are more far-reaching than those generated by the first historical wave of globalization.All this is due to the momentum of the revolution in communications and technological innovations in general. Environmental concerns are very relevant in the case of Venezuela as a producer country of hydrocarbons that we are, because one of the most direct harmful effects that have been identified on the atmosphere is derived from the burning of fossil fuels. Already large transnational corporations such as Shell are developing substitutes for oil as fuel, to face the increasing pressures that are doing more and more environmentalists, worried about the atmospheric deterioration. This can be interpreted as an opportunity to develop new technologies, such as orimulsion, which allow to keep us in the international market to remain competitive by offering a quality product and complies with the international standards of quality such as: ISO 9000, ISO 14000. Otherwise, would transform into a threat if unable to develop a technology that adapts to these environmental demands. Specifically, the process of globalization has given opportunities to Latin American countries get international capital, modern technology, management and extensive market experience, presenting a shortest path to overcoming underdevelopment and achieving economic modernization. Venezuela, should know to take advantage of the opportunities that globalization has generated, more, when through its marketing of its main product as it is oil, has generated it a vision of globalisation representing in the market, determining its scope, impact, anything that allows you to benefit and restructuring efforts, in pro get the changes needed to strategically plan actions of markets, to ensure the expected results that and since then, this conducive to the development of the country to its economy, especially if the State’s so-called Bolivarian revolution knows act properly and with insight into the behavior of the current scenarios.