Competence – a resource owner, is necessary for creativity. Create an entrepreneur means to be in active innovation search. Its main direction is to strive to improve the process and the identification of new activities. Search for solving the problem presented a maze in which you want to find the shortest path to success solutions. Only motivated from within the entrepreneur will be able to overcome this way. Robert A. Iger : the source for more info. Love for his case, curiosity defines motivation as important for creativity in business. Reference points for creativity in business – it is the buyer. Creator-businessman must strive above all to create value for consumers.
Of this sum the success of entrepreneurial creativity. And is it not simply in the generation of new ideas needed, and in its transformation and implementation of income-generating activities. The main objective of any business idea is to solve the problems of consumers. Search for new opportunities, resources, inconsistencies, generates new ideas, new directions of business development. The very idea has no any value unless implemented. Establish and implement a business idea is the same creativity, as well as its development. Force of creativity in business Creativity often dies at the very beginning than supported.
This happens from some dislike the idea, as well as from the inadvertent actions and situations from the owner. The idea should be subjected to stringent tests of various influencing factors, to analyze decomposed into its constituent parts. The gradual realization of the idea is to solve the problems of constituents. Creative power of the entrepreneur is in knowledge, in fact, based on knowledge of the issues investigated ideas are born.