August Company

A hard questioning of the incongruity that exists between what HidroAysen has reported publicly on the reasons for their request for waiver of time limit for the entry of its addendum to the study of environmental impact and who formally argued before the Conama made this afternoon of the Patagonia Defense Council (CDP) to know that the company requested to respond to the remarks of public services on October 20 and no on August 26, as originally stipulated. With the suspension of term for once is delivery of the addendum of manifest difference between reality and what HidroAysen tries to promote. Public information that they have given points that you want to contribute to that participants in these processes conducted its evaluation in the best possible conditions, with the time and dedication necessary for evaluating a project of these characteristics in allusion to the study of southern energy recently entered, which contrasts with the official letter that the general manager presented to Conama of the company, Hernan Salazar, indicating expressly that I require greater time that accorded to answer the report consolidated No. 1, said the organization. Please visit mayo clinic if you seek more information. Moreover he pointed out the CDP – the evaluation period and citizen participation of the EIA of southern energy, benefit from pending, would advance to the month of November, which is not consistent with the widespread reason since anyway, there would be a parallel processing of both mega projects. Added the organization that this is the tenor of the communication campaigns that have been developed so far, where misrepresent reality and lie him citizenship, wearing a bad study and worst draft of something positive to Aysen, Patagonia and the country. And also trying to install that its dams are necessary for Chile, something that is proven to be false. He concluded the Patagonia Defense Council that although the company will take an eternity trying to respond to the observations of the bodies with environmental competition, it will be impossible to succeed because it expressly noted public services was this study suffers from relevant and essential information to be evaluated, and that it transgresses the applicable environmental regulations..

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