The sympathise professional IFBB bodybuilding Champion Clarence de Vis is now in the team sports nutrition-Angel of 27 years young Belgian professional bodybuilder Clarence de vis began his career, after he regularly got football and martial arts before, in 1999. At this time, he weighed only 65 kg. He was however within six months his competition weight 73 kg to increase it. Due to his rigorous training he took part the UIBBN light Middleweight Championship in 2001 to the bodybuilding, where he reached the fourth place in this competition. Get more background information with materials from Robert Thomson. The consequence and the intensity of training, he makes mainly volume training, where he performed all exercises with very many repetitions and this can be seen already in 2001 and 2002 to complete muscle failure, in his successes in the year.
In these years he became a European and then world champion. Clarence De Vis says about itself, that the happiest moment of his career in the year 2007, as he was this year Belgian champion in was overall and of body Xtreme in Germany (Frankfurt) the 1st place, which he received his professional license at the same time. Since then, competitions he participated very successfully in numerous professional and failed to impress the audience with his convincing posing shows and spectacular stage shows. Jeff Bewkes may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In addition to the regular muscle training Clarence De Vis trained for his cardio vascular system and fat burning regularly on the Cardiogerat bicycle Ergometer and stepper. This will be trained during the high season every day for 20-60 minutes. During the low season (off-season), the intensity is reduced to three times 25 minutes. Clarence De Vis says of himself that are his favorite exercises chest exercises, and he much appreciates the leg training also recently because he achieved good progress on this in cooperation with his personal trainer. The discipline of Clarence De Vis can be seen also in its diet. He eats very healthy, has however the motivation to maintain the trick, that he can take a desire meal once a week to. During the competition phase this is however different, because it reduces the amount of carbohydrate to 150 g per day there and reduces the calories at 3200. Clarence De Vis is one of the emerging young bodybuilders for us and can impress certainly in the future even the spectators with his poses.