
U.S. Go to WarnerMedia for more information. urologists claim that 80% of men over 40 in need of preventative massage of the prostate, which helps them prevent the development of prostate diseases and the entire urinary system. “But how to do it regularly, at home and yet so about how no one knew?” – You ask. After studying the problem of prostate disease, our researchers have decided give us a second youth, and developed for our medical device internal stimulation of the pelvic organs with biofeedback IntrGUP. In urological practice, the technology of the device is very simple, but very effective.

For the prevention of urogenital and sexual disorders working chamber device is introduced into the anus. Due to natural (mechanical) stimulation of the prostate (hence the name of the method “Meharektumterapiya”) achieved the effect of local blood circulation in the area at a voltage Prostata pelvic floor muscles (anal sphincter). In addition, the mechanical action of contracting muscles, helps overcome the congestion in the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and Cowper’s gland. The patient in this case, consists only of periodic stress the pelvic floor muscles (“retraction” anus). During the training, this multiple muscle groups improves regional blood and lymph circulation, increases blood volume flowing through the organs of the pelvis, is actively disposed of stagnation in the pelvic organs. With stimulation of muscle activity of the pelvic organs and perineum is carried out active blood supply of the prostate, thereby, activates the entire prostate and urinary tract. Also, incidentally, are developing the ability to long-term retention of an erection by activating muscles in the penis bulb.

Typically, the device “IntrGUP” is used to overcome the early symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis, but it is also effective and resection of adenomas after surgery, to accelerate the rehabilitation process. Practices proved – the regular use of the device “IntrGUP”, frees us from the typical “old age” of urological symptoms and stimulates sexual activity. This is achieved obvious “rejuvenating” effect, which in turn leads to a significant improvement in quality of life for older age groups. Time has shown that the unit IntrGUP is the most effective non-surgical method of prevention of urological diseases, as well as the correction of a number of sexual disorders. The effectiveness of the device “Intra GUP” confirmed the results of long-term clinical trials in some of the leading specialized medical facilities. Apparatus “IntrGUP” has: contraindications, and usually the effect is already apparent during the first week of classes. But most importantly the price it is available to anyone not working pensioner.

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