
He could not inherit lands of its husband in case of this falecer, and in the temple of Jerusalem, he could not go beyond ' ' patio of mulheres' '. We do not know which the theological preparation of Maria, more still today, in some Jewish synagogues, the preparation given to boys are different of whom he is available its sisters. In accordance with this historian, the women of the main families of Jerusalem, in the time of Jesus, very rare leaves the house of its parents. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Sean Rad, Los Angeles CA. After only married he is that they had authorization to leave the street and exactly thus, they came with the covered face and they tried to only pass unobserved being able to speak with somebody by means of the permission of the husband. However, the woman of the agricultural ways, for necessity to help its familiar ones in the agricultural works, had freedom not to leave its house. In this in case that we perceive the courage of Maria to if directing to the Angel being in a masculine form, without distrust or some type of intimidation, where for its type of temperament she is difficult to believe not to have been a participant woman in the education of its adoptive son. One another sufficiently interesting point if finds in Lucas.2: 40,49-52; in versculo.40 we read that Jesus grew and if fortified in spirit, full of wisdom. However in versculo.52 the ticket informs in them that it grew in wisdom and in stature where in vers.40 the favour of God was under it, however no longer vers.52 it grew in favour. More after all what this everything wants to say? The key for this our understanding is in the word spirit indicating with that if Jesus when growing already it loads itself obtains in including way the full inherent understanding of its deity then would not need as versculo.40 informs in them to grow and nor if to fortify spiritual of gradual form, therefore in its proper natural formalizao Mr.

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