CHAPTER 1 – THEORETICAL RECITAL 1.1Sustentabilidade (Sustainable Development) Can be defined support as being the set of practical adopted that they aim at to diminish the impacts generated for the actions of the man that they can attack/to harm the environment. The exploration, the extration and the use of resources with more efficiency and the guarantee of recovery of the degraded areas are the key so that the support has success when applied in the enterprises. An enterprise to be sustainable, this needs to present 4 basic requirements. Namely: ecologically correct; economically viable; socially just; e? culturally accepted. When presenting these 04 basic requirements, the enterprise/project, guarantee that the explored region will continue to provide for many and many generations, the resources and the welfare economic and social for the communities that in it live, granting the nature, the chance and the capacity to be rehabilitated face exactly exploratria presence of the human being. This guarantee this in accordance with the beginning of Support, according to REPORT BRUNDTLAND (1987): ' ' The development that it looks to satisfy the necessities of the current generation, without compromising the capacity of the future generations to satisfy its proper necessities, means to make possible that the people, now and in the future, reach a satisfactory level of social and economic development and accomplishment cultural human being and, making, at the same time, a reasonable use of the resources of the land and preserving the species and habitats naturais.' ' This principle, is similar to the thought of the old American natives, who said you lead that them, had to analyze the effect of its action until the seventh generation of its descendants. Before the use of the word ' ' sustentabilidade' ' , the original term was: ' ' sustainable development, ' ' Some consider it ampler term, therefore it implies in the continued development, and persist in using it only for the activities of development, for this reason, ' ' Support is used as an ample term for all the activities human beings. .

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